Creation Strategy Concept Creation Strategy・Product Creation Strategy

Creation Strategy Concept Creation Strategy・Product Creation Strategy

Concept Creation Strategy
New drug development is generally composed of three study types—a discovery study to find a therapeutic agent candidate based on a therapeutic hypothesis, a developmental study to secure the safety of the therapeutic agent candidate in humans, and a clinical study to confirm the efficacy and safety of the therapeutic agent candidate.

At KAN, our endeavors stem from our motto that “the earlier patients are able to access our new drugs, the more grateful we feel that we are able to make a difference in their lives.” To this end, our team works to promote the creation of new drug discovery concepts through activities with a strong foundation in science and innovation as part of the worldwide network that is the Eisai Group.

Product Creation Strategy
Once Concept Creation research has verified the concept of a potential target molecule, the Product Creation phase begins. The objective here is to create pharmaceutical products to deliver to patients in the form of antibody, nucleic acid, small molecular compound, and cell-based drugs. While carefully considering patients’ medical and lifestyle needs, our team of experts leverages specialized knowledge of each drug development stage from bench-side to bed-side with the aim of designing comprehensive strategies that produce safe, patient-friendly, and more effective new drugs.